The WSF Academy provides training materials that can be widely used by the WSF Members and spread WSF key values in the sport. Furthermore, the training topics are around creating well-trained officials worldwide that understand and share what WSF stands for. Safety, fairness in sports are only some of the examples of what will be the focus of the WSF Academy.

The Federation enhances officiating and judging programs and initiatives to support the delivery of our youth competitive programs. The WSF strengthens the importance and relevance of the WSF Academy as a tool to spread knowledge and growth snowboarding regionally through the creation of educational programs such as safe sport.


The current available program has a focus on the education for low-level officials. The WSF and the FIS worked together to develop a common education pathway from low to high level.
The goals of the WSF are:
• to create and ensure a large pool of trained officials for low level events worldwide
• to have a funnel for the best judges to be able to move to judging internationally
• to create a common officials ́ education pathway that is scalable, consistent andprovides adequate training online and offline.

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